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About Lazaris

LAZARIS is an entity, actually a multitude of entities "Beyond Sirius", as LAZARIS describes it himself. Lazaris has been channeled by Jach Pursel in the USA since 1974. In the meantime, Lazaris has given hundreds of seminars, written books, published videos and hundreds of tapes.
The topics of his teaching always revolve around human growth and spirituality. The goal is that man finds the "way home" towards unity with God, Goddess, All that is and to be one with one's Higher Self and Soul.
There is hardly a topic that LAZARIS does not tackle: from childhood trauma, through incarnation experiences to future visions, from working with one's own shadow to the deepest encounter with the Divine. Through Lazaris we learn that we are not alone, that there are worlds of beauty and grandeur out there that we can only imagine - and that an incredible love embraces us that we need to receive.
LAZARIS is very aware of the time in which we humans live. He supports us with all his powers to create the new world we have been dreaming of for so long. Not a better world, but a whole new world, as he repeatedly emphasizes.
According to LAZARIS we are "map makers", we are "dreamers" and "visionaries" with a legitimate claim to a life full of joy. „You are here to learn how to have fun, how to consciously create success“ - is the basic principle that he always gives to people.
But he also says
„Life was never meant to be this painful, this fearful“ - as it is so often these days. So LAZARIS is also a Being full of deepest compassion and love.
I came to LAZARIS through RANNETTE NICHOLAS, my spiritual teacher since 1976. Since then I have attended over 50 Lazaris workshops in the United States. Much of what I've learned from Lazaris flows into my own coaching and seminar work. I took repeatedly clients to the USA and to Lazaris events. I have been making music for Lazaris and his meditations since 2007. 145 titles have now been created.
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